Health & Wellness
You can have no dominion greater or less than that over yourself. ~ Leonardo da Vinci
At LdVCS our curricular focus is on health sciences, from personal habits to global awareness. We recognize the health of children and their success in school is intricately linked. Therefore, the social, emotional, and physical health of our community provides the firm foundation for our academic pursuits.
Personal Health
We take personal responsibility for lifelong health. Students participate in Physical & Health Education Class daily for 30 minutes. Students set personal goals for social, emotional, and physical health.
Community Health
We respect and promote the health of others. Project-based learning units of study increase student awareness of community health issues such as obesity, diabetes, and communicable diseases. Students promote community health through participation in health fairs and events, posters, videos, and speech campaigns, and more.
Environmental Health
We promote stewardship of the environment through study and healthy practices. We incorporate an environmental literacy lens to our social studies and science units of study utilizing the California Environmental Education Initiative (EEI) curriculum.
We make informed decision-making with the use of reliable health-related information, products, and services.