Language Development

The noblest pleasure is the joy of understanding.
~ Leonardo da Vinci

LdVCS values multilingualism in our community. Spanish and English Language Development classes work in tandem to help everyone be more effective communicators and participants.

Builds Foundational Vocabulary

In Spanish for English-Speakers students builds foundational oral vocabulary needed to access grade-level content and to participate in discussions. Imagine Learning and Rockalingua provide students with online platforms to learn and practice essential vocabulary at school and at home.

Uses Authentic Language Experiences

Students further develop their bilingualism through vocabulary-rich learning experiences. In Spanish class, art, music, and dance units of study increase student engagement and communication skills.

Fosters Bi-Literacy for Spanish Speakers

Our Spanish for Spanish Speakers Class develops reading and writing literacy skills with thematic units of study. Students learn the importance of their home language for communicating with friends and family, as well as helping them be active participants in a global economy.

Builds Family Connections

Our English Learner Advisory Committee is comprised of parents, staff, and community members designated to advise our LdVCS Board of Trustees on English learner programs and services. In addition, they organize cultural events that celebrate our community through the Arts.